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Known issue from PagerView#

As this library is built on top of react-native-pager-view, they share the same limitations. I'll share some details here, for more details, please read PagerView known issue.


Note that you can only use View components as children of PagerView. For Android if View has own children, set prop collapsable to false, otherwise react-native might remove those children views and and it's children will be rendered as separate pages.


flex:1 does not work for child views, please use width:โ€100%โ€, height:โ€100%โ€ instead.

Carousel is not showing up#

This happens because the carousel is not aware of the height it can occupy.


Make sure you have a parent <View> to wrap the carousel. The <View/> should define the height for the carousel.


// ...
<View style={{height: "50%"}}>
// ...

Carousel autoplay weird behaviour#

When in development, the hot reload will mess up the timeout function. But this problem should not happen in production mode.


Reload the app.